Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spokane, WA

A day of painting!

 Budding artists
 Jill our mentor and the true artist.
 Gale getting her smoosh on.
 Pretending I know what I'm doing.
 Gale signing her masterpiece.
 The finished work.
The proud (well not me) artists and their creations.

Jill (the true artist) taught us how to paint with our imaginations. 
We put as many of our favorite colors on the canvas and spread it around.
Once the colors were on, you stand back and look at it like you are looking at clouds.
Find the object and paint it!  It was fun, but my project will be staying in Spokane,
and may find its way to the burn pile.  Gale's and Jill's turned out awesome.  
I won't be taking up painting as a hobby anytime soon.  
But we had some great laughs and I got to meet Jill

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