Monday, October 31, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Yuma, AZ

Every Saturday The Palms has a burger bash.
For $3.50 you get a burger, chips, and all the beer and soda you can drink.

 This is the ballroom where they have dances, activities and parties.
 Tables set up outside for eating
 Our chefs for this Saturday (all volunteers)
 One of the beer tables, all us old people drank them out of beer today.  About 3 kegs.
 Good thing I have 4 hands.  hahahahaha
This is where we drank our beers today.  

Friday, October 28, 2011

Picacho State Recreation Area, CA

Took a drive out to Picacho State Park in CA, looking for wild burros.  The drive out was 19 miles on a gravel road.  The terrain changed so much on the drive from flat desert to rocky hills and ended up at the Colorado River with green all around.  No burros on the drive out, but tons of droppings.  With how much droppings we saw, we expected to come across a herd of 50 or more at each turn.  No luck.  As we drove out of the recreation area "eagle eye" Terry spotted a few up on a hill.  We were beginning to think someone cleaned their barn out and just dumped it all over the road.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Imperial County, CA

Valley of the Names

This was amazing - just a short drive outside of Yuma.  People spell out their names and messages with rocks.  It started about 50 years ago.  The oldest one we found was done in 1966.  There must be over 1000 of them scattered over the small hills.  What amazed us the most was that no one has destroyed them.  We plan to go back with some grocery bags to gather rocks to spell out our names.  Stay tuned for a picture of that in the future.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Yuma, AZ

 We went patio furniture shopping to make our area more homey
 and have more seating for guests, since we will be in Yuma for 6 months.

Unbelievable! It fit!

Terry enjoying our new patio furniture.  
No we won't be taking it in the motorhome when we leave Yuma.
We found a place to store it for around $25 a month when we aren't in Yuma.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Indio, CA

Visit with Nga and family
 Nga cooking Chicken Curry per my request
Oh so yummy
Good to the last drop

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

Tucson, AZ

 The Joint - best adjustment I've had in a long time
 The adjusting tables
Terry waiting his turn
Not the best pictures, but Terry and I went to the coolest chiropractor office.  All open with 6 tables you go back and sit and wait your turn.  $20 for an adjustment, the Dr was able to unlock my frozen shoulder.  We went 2 days in a row, we were both in bad shape.  We will go back again when we go back to Tucson.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tucson, AZ

Painting at Ben's Bell's

Painting kindness coins
Kaiden and Laila being creative
Kaidens kindness coin
Laila decided that painting herself was more fun
Terry's kindness coin

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Camp Verde and Sedona, AZ

A very full day with Jessica and the kids!
Family Funny Faces!
 Montezuma's Castle built by the Sinagua Indians, amazing how they built in the cliffs.
 Kaiden and Laila in front of the Arizona Sycamore tress.  The bark looks like camo!
 Kaiden writing postcards to his cousins Rylie and Brody.
 Laila - look Nana no hands!
 Kaiden and Laila our little monkeys.
 Jessica and Laila
 Jess and the kids having fun!
After the kids left us Terry and I went to see 
Chapel of the Holy Cross